Coast Range Radio
At Coast Range Radio, we interview folks who work to build just communities that provide for people and the natural world. We are particularly interested in the connections between Oregon’s forests, social justice, and the climate crisis.
Coast Range Radio is a radio show and podcast from the nonprofit conservation organization, the Coast Range Association. Located in Western Oregon, the Coast Range Association works to build just and sustainable communities that provide for people and the natural world. Our work focuses on the connections between Oregon’s forests, communities, and the climate crisis.
Coast Range Radio
Exposing Oregon's Mega-Dairies, with Oregon Rural Action & Food and Water Watch
Oregon Rural Action and Food and Water Watch recently conducted a rare flyover of Threemile Canyon Farms, one of Oregon’s most notorious factory cattle farms, also known by the simultaneously anodyne and horrifying technical name: confined animal feeding operation, or CAFO, in Morrow County.
In conjunction with that, both organizations have released detailed, interactive maps highlighting the extent of factory farms and associated pollution in Oregon. These maps, and the accompanying reports, show that factory farms are expanding in Oregon, even as the public awareness of the devastating impacts grow.
I’m joined today by Kaleb Ley from Oregon Rural and Aimee Travis-Stone with Food and Water Watch to learn about their efforts to confront and expose factory farms.
We covered a lot more than we could fit into 30 minutes, so if you want to listen to the entire interview, or any of our episodes, you can find Coast Range Radio on any podcast app or at
Research Links/Show Notes:
Oregon Rural Action Network:
ORA Pollution Map:
FWW Oregon Mega-dairy fact sheet (2022):
FWW Oregon Factory Farm Fact Sheet:
FWW Ineractive FF National Map:
Event page for Food and Water Watch webinar, Oct 24th, 6:30-7:30: Mobilize Event Page