Coast Range Radio

Celebrating Two Recent Victories for Oceans and State Forests!

It is important to celebrate our victories, and today we get to talk about two of them!

The Oregon Board of Forestry (BoF) recently voted to approve its first ever Habitat Conservation Plan on State Forests, and a bill to fully fund and strengthen Oregon’s Marine Reserve Program sailed through the recent legislative session.

To talk about these victories and get updates on what’s ahead for both of these campaigns, I’m joined today by one of the leaders of each of these efforts.  Charlie Plybon from Surfrider Foundation will discuss the OMRP  legislation and what's next for ocean conservation,  and Michael Lang from the Wild Salmon Center will give us an update on the BoF's historic vote.

We have done deep dives into both of these campaigns on previous episodes, so if you want to learn more, check out our free archive on the Coast Range Radio podcast feed or at our website,

And as always, my email is

Research Links/Show Notes:
Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife - Marine Reserves:
Oregon Marine Reserves Partnership:

State Forest Campaign
Oregon Department of Forestry- Forest Management Plan Homepage:

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