Coast Range Radio

State Representative David Gomberg on Marine Reserves, Rural Infrastructure, and Much More!

Coast Range Association

This is our first episode of 2024, and I can’t think of a better guest to start the year off with than State Representative David Gomberg.

Representative Gomberg represents House district 10, which encompassess Lincoln County, as well as parts of western Benton and Lane counties, and happens to be my State Representative.

Among many other positions, he serves as co-vice chair of the powerful Ways and Means budgeting committee and co-chair of the subcommittee on Transportation and Economic Development, and is the Chair of the bipartisan Coastal Caucus.

Before we get started, if you want to learn more about the Oregon Legislature, how it works, how to meaningfully engage, how to contact your representatives, and more, is a pretty great resource for a government run website.  There are also links to resources and tutorials in our show notes below.

You can also email me,, with questions, comments, or suggestions about this episode, or anything else.

Show Notes:
David Gomberg Legislative Webpage

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